

I love to read!  I think one of the best things that happened to me while growing up was living for a few formative years in a foreign country with no TV.  Well, we had a TV, but the broadcasts were all in another language.  We had a hefty VHS collection, but even a 9 year old can only watch the same Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode so many times.  Outside-play options were also limited since  the house we lived in had a postage-stamp sized yard, was right next to a busy street, and our nearest English speaking friends were a 30 minute car ride away.

So … we went to the library!  I remember coming home from our weekly trips to the library with stacks of books.  Hardy Boys, Boxcar Children, Encyclopedia Brown, Choose Your Own Adventure…

If I had to point to a time when I gained a love of reading or of learning in general, this would be it.

Now I have a job, a marriage, and small children, all of which take time away from books.  So that’s where this blog comes into play.  This is my reading journal — I hope it will motivate me to read more if I have a place to record and collect my thoughts of books after I read them.  Perhaps something will be interesting to the internet populace?  If not, just move along … nothing to see here.  😉


I dabble in a bit of Python scripting from time to time.


I lived in Japan for two years and occasionally try to keep up my Nihongo skills.

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